Wednesday 25 October 2023

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

 I do not think we will be going on our long eight hour drive each way trip for a memorial service this weekend. Husband has messed up his back and wants to let things heal and calm down, rather than being in a car for that long and standing and sleeping in a spare bed somewhere. I don't blame him and truth be told, I'm rather glad (not about his back...).

I seized the opportunity with this mild weather today to do some cutting back of perennials late this morning. I stop when I have filled my five big "buckets", that way I don't mess up my back.

Here are some pictures of what my neck of the woods looks like right now - still lots of pretty leaves, even with the recent wind and rain.

The above picture is facing south (pool house in background).

The above picture is facing north (neighbouring yard in background).

A couple of you expressed an interest in seeing more chicken pics. Here is one of the whole chicken coop and covered run.

Husband built all of this. The large black container in front of the coop holds a bale of shavings and some oyster shell. I can't store it inside the coop because there isn't quite enough room (and the chickens would just roost and poop on it). 

This is inside the coop. I call this brown chicken "Rover" because she is more like a dog. She always has to be underfoot, wondering what I'm doing (mostly hoping for food). She is old and hasn't laid an egg for about three years. This is a retirement home for chickens.

This girl was in one of the nesting boxes (I get these from Dollarama - sturdy, stackable, and washable). She is a Noiran which comes from the line of Marans (for those of you with poultry knowledge). Her eggs are a lovely dark brown.

Here are some more members of the flock outside in their run. They spend most of their days outside and come in to roost at night. 

This afternoon I am meeting up with a friend with whom I usually go for a long walk when she has Wednesdays off work. I am working tomorrow, teaching in a grade one classroom. I hope you are also enjoying a bit of mild autumn weather wherever you are. 


  1. Your Fall color is beautiful. The chickens are looking great and nicely secured from predator threat. Fresh eggs every morning sounds terrific. Good decision to avoid the 16 hour drive. Back pain is terrible. Healing the back is more important. We had a freeze last night. The sunshine and blue sky with 50 degrees F is lovely now. More cold is predicted for next week.

  2. Good idea to avoid the travelling if you're not feeling up to it, nothing worse than not being well away from home. Beautiful autumn colours, so pretty and I love the red door on the chicken coup.. hope they appreciate it!

    1. If chickens are capable of having such thoughts, then yes, I believe they appreciate it.

  3. Oops half the world is in mid Spring but with weird climate change, the weather could be more unpredictable than ever.
    By the way, your trees are gorgeous!

    1. We often have mild autumn days and other years where we have had some snow on Halloween.

  4. I like the coop! I am guessing the roof is slanted for rainfall and snow?

    1. I noticed that it looks very slanted in the picture! It slants down at the back for the purpose of letting rain and snow fall off.

  5. You have some nice colours in your yard, and look at all those leaves for the compost! It has been very warm today with the odd glimmer of sun, perfect for getting outside and getting stuff done.
    The chicken accommodations are so neat and tidy. Love seeing the chooks.

    1. It ended up quite mild and a little rainy here. Almost 20 degrees! It’s a nice little chicken world.

  6. Wish I had room for some "chooks"! Thay seem like a contented bunch.

    1. They are quite contented, usually getting along fine with each other.

  7. That's a lovely hen house! The red door is particularly great. Is that a horseshoe on it for good luck?

    1. We have red doors on the house too. That is actually an rooster ( decorative) that I bought the year after we married when we drove to Florida in March break during the “ storm of the century “, if you recall that.

  8. Somehow I missed the previous post. My sympathies to your husband's family on the passing of his uncle. I hope his back heals quickly.
    Your chickens look pretty content. You're not the first owner of the birds to mention that the coop becomes a retirement home for the older chickens.

    1. Yes, I am a big old softie. Nobody gets eaten here🙂

  9. Lovely colors in you yard. Lovely chickens, too, and that is the end of my chicken knowledge.

    1. Ha! Your chicken knowledge equals my weaving knowledge!

  10. Gorgeous fall colour. I am afraid we are under about 10" of snow now with more to come. Your chickens are looking very good.

    God bless.

    1. Oh dear! That is a bit too early. I hope the snow isn’t there to stay!

  11. The colours of your tree leaves are wonderful . We miss those autumn colours here.
    Hope hubby's back is better but better for you without that trip! It was a long way,. And lots of socialusi g at the other end . Oh boy

  12. Beautiful weather here. I bet your chickens are enjoying the n8ce weather too.

  13. That's a long ride. I'm glad you are able to stay put, though sorry it's for a painful reason. I love seeing the chickens so thanks for the photos. We're having a lot of rain but I grabbed our last nice day for cutting things back. More to do, but the biggest job is done!

  14. Ooh I totally agree- no long rides for a bad back! Fall looks beautiful around your world, and it is slowly starting to switch gears here. I can't wait...summer was too too long!

  15. I would love to have a few laying hens. Probably not until I retire. The coop looks very functional. Our leaves have gone. Hopefully yours last a little longer. Enjoy your walk.

  16. Splendid trees and groovy hens!

  17. Such pretty trees! The hens are right pretty too, Jenn.
