Wednesday, 3 November 2021

First Snow - November 3rd

 This is what my world looks like today:

I won't be hanging anything on that clothesline!

Such a Canadian image - the last of the Autumn leaves falling on snow.

Those perennials aren't getting cut back at all now. 

As well, my chicken coop is now part of the red light district. I put in their heat bulb today. I know they'll still want to go outside, but at least they can come in and  bask under the warmth of the red glow if they want to. 


  1. Picture postcard and gorgeous to look at! Red light district chickens hahahaha

  2. I think it's beautiful! Thanks for the pictures. We had snowflakes on and off all day this past Monday but nothing stuck to the ground. I do love the month of November when we can get cozy gray days, crisp sunny days, days of rain AND snow. Bring it on!

    1. Oh, Mama Pea, you and I have much differing views on the month of November! Haha!

  3. Oh boy. Snow. No doubt about it, autumns come and gone and you're in for the long haul. How long does it take for the novelty (after summer sun) to wear off?

  4. I've hung clothes out in weather conditions like that. When you get them back in you can just prop them up agaist the wall.

    1. My mother used to. I remember the small of frozen jeans propped up against the walls in the family room.

  5. Wow! Snow already... we have just started getting cool here in Texas. I'll bet your chickens enjoy their heat lamps. We use them on the back porch for the feral cats. Sometimes we get a raccoon or two using them when it's really cold.

  6. The first one is always so pretty, isn't it? We're still waiting here in BC.

  7.! None here yet, but I can't wait. ☃️

  8. It all looks so pretty. Lucky chickens to have such care :)

    It was more hail for us this afternoon with moments of actual snow but it has stayed on the ground - yikes, too early for me. ... Mary-Lou =^[..]^=

  9. Will the early snow translate to a hard winter for Canada? Hopefully your snow will melt in the sunshine. The chickens must be glad to have their heat in the coop.

  10. You can keep it. We're cool here in Saskatchewan but so far no snow sticking to the ground. I did get my winter tires on the car yesterday so am ready to go when it happens.

  11. I always think the first snowfall of the season is beautiful, and then I begin to wonder when it will go away after a month or so. We have been lucky and not had much of the white stuff here yet. Strange cause we usually have a good covering by now.

    God bless.

  12. Settle in and rest for the winter. Hope your chickens adjust.

  13. Looks pretty but cold
    Hopefully it will be 2 or 3 months before we get any here and hopefully it won't last but with England nothing is definite about the weather

  14. here in western Maine we will not be far behind you.
    Enjoy the now
    the Ol'Buzzard

  15. Oh I would love to have that snow right now.. Your photos are beautiful especially the second one.. Here in South Carolina we are just beginning with the cooler temps and by cooler I mean 40s 50s and 60s and next week we will be back up in the middle 70's. I can't wait for the cold weather to get here and stay.

    My poor chickens don't know which end is up. When the temps drop below 49 I turn their heat lamp on to keep them warm enough and then the temps go back up and I turn it off.. LOL

  16. Beautiful! None here yet, but any time now, I expect.

  17. As long as you keep the snow, it's nice. I don't really want any here. I just want Spring to get here. hahahaha. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

  18. I'm so NOT a snow person but I have to admit, it always looks so beautiful, especially when it's new and fresh. Rick said they got it up north too. I'll be happy to wait a bit. (That leaf/snow thing is a Michigan thing, too.)

  19. I know it is cold where you are, but from my view, it's all very pretty.
    You are such a good chicken Mama!!

  20. Good morning. Stopping by your blog,I was surprised at the snowfall. You can enjoy the stunning view of beautifully colored leaves above the silver ground.
    Happy weekend to you.

  21. Those images are lovely! Seems early for snow until I remember that last year we had snow mid October!

  22. As much as I do like snow, especially cause i can stay indoors and just watch it, it does seem a bit early but most likely not for your area. We have had frosty nights, but warmer daytimes so it may be awhile till the ground is snowy.

  23. This looks surreal as I am in southern California that has no signs of autumn let alone winter.
    On the other hand, yours looks like a proper November.

  24. I have to say Jenn, I do NOT miss the early autumn snows of Quebec...we are still having nice autumn days and frosty nights here in NB...

  25. Thank you for those remaining comments. It is now a few days later, the snow is all gone and it is a nice sunny day today. It does get cold at night, though.

  26. I made a pact with myself, that I would never live anywhere where there was snow. Winter manuevers in the Ardene Forest, while in the Army, led me to live in the Arizona Desert along the Colorado River.
