Saturday 12 November 2016

Sinus Sufferers Unite, and then Give me Some Advice

Well hi there. Last night I breathed through my mouth the entire night. When I finally got out of bed, realizing it wasn't going to get any better, my mouth, tongue and throat were ARID. I have a full blown sinus infection. How do I know? Well, I know this because I am feeling the all too familiar burning pain in my cheekbones, the left half of my face has been congested for three months and two antibiotic treatments later, is now more congested than ever. I will not discuss what I am blowing out of my head. As well, I am feeling the pain in my ribs from coughing too much. I will now hug my rib cage by criss-crossing my arms around me every time I cough so I won't blow some cartiledge between my ribs which I am told hurts more than a broken rib. This is a familiar feeling as well.

How many of you are able to see your doctor right away? Yesterday I made an appointment for December the 1st. It is currently November the 12th. Ya, I'll be fine until then.

My questions are: -Do any of you suffer from acute, chronic, whatever sinus infections?
                              -Have any of you had the sinus surgery which is essentially a roto-rootering of the
                               sinuses followed by a "pressure washing" of an antibacterial solution?
                              -If you had that surgery, was it worth it and did you have it while just sedated, but
                                not fully put under? (How horrible was it?)

I know one person whose blog I love, and who comes to visit my blog has shared the experiences of a close relative. This person found it to be successful. I guess I'm just looking for first hand experiences and sharing and helping me to get my nerve up to have something like this done. I am SO DONE WITH THE TWICE YEARLY SINUS INFECTION and all the repercussions that go along with it.


I have tried the usual over the counter sinus congestion tablets, I have tried Neti pots and nasal rinses (both of which drive the congestion in my ears and make it worse and add another element of pain), hot and cold compresses on my face, acupuncture to improve my immune system, and yup, I even jumped on the essential oil bandwagon (otherwise known as the next best pyramid scheme since Amway) and rubbed 4 Thieves oil on the bottom of my feet and across my face. I go on antibiotics which sometimes work, but more often than not, don't.

So, fellow sinus sufferers, commiserate with me and share your knowledge. Give me that kick in the scaredy pants that I need.


  1. Only one time and it took a couple of months to finally clear up. I couldn't hear and they finally took an MRI and I had a bone spur in my sinus which exacerbated the drainage. Bone spur? Well, I was sure It was cancer and I was going to die. I was miserable, but it finally went away. I wanted to jam a pencil in my ears at one point. So, I don't know about the roto rooter thing. I'd be leary.

  2. Wow, when I hear bone spur, I think feet. Not being able to hear due to congestion is rotten (been there, done that as well). So this sounds like proceed with caution from you.

  3. I do know someone who went through all that and it didn't work. Maybe initially, but she still has the woes. I have sinus issues but they don't blow into infections. Although!!.. right now I've had a -head cold??- for five days that's driving me nutz. Alka Selter Cold helps the sinuses, even when I don't have a cold, but who wants to take it all the time. Allergies (mold,grass,hay for me) irritate my sinuses frequently.

    1. I forgot to say I have had all the allergy tests done too. Just a mild mold allergy. Hmmmm, so your friend only got short term relief.

  4. Jenn, Look on line for "old fashion ways to clear your sinuses" This could help clear them before you get a severe infection. I will keep you in my prayers, as my sister is going thru this very thing. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

    1. Unfortunately Susie, I have tried so many home remedies, including steaming, saline, apple cider vinegar (bought the really expensive stuff with the "mother" in it), stopping sugar, etc... I'm kind of the last ditch effort stage.

  5. Do it, you won't regret it. Unless you only have one side done, like I did. I regret not going ahead with the other.

    1. What was the experience like? Did you have a local or were you put completely under? Painful? -Jenn

    2. I did it w/o anesthesia. It was scary. The other side would have been under complete sedation, but I never did it. Do it; you won't regret it.

    3. Well that sounds awfully brave. I am not brave. I enjoy painfree things. If I am completely sedated, then I have to do follow up injections of blood thinner (long story), that's why I was wondering about having it done under a local.

  6. Oh Jenn I can only offer sincere "ooooh you poor darling". I do not have sinus problems but Mr Man does & on a fairly regular basis, although I would not call them infections. He gets wicked headaches with the sinus pain. I know of only 2 people that had the surgery & from what I remember neither would do again. Both of them now use the Neti pot & swear it is the best. .. Mary-Lou

  7. My mom had reoccurring and lifelong sinus infections. Maybe once it is cleared up you could stay on a low dose antibiotic? I had to do that for urinary tract infections until I found a natural product and haven't had one since. This isn't advice but a question. Have you spoken to a naturopath?

    1. I went to see a naturopath many years ago and took some sort of concoction. It didn't help, but when I went on antibiotics, it was like a switch was flicked and the pain and congestion went away after the first day of being on antibiotics. That has never happened since. I've heard of people going on low-dose antibiotics for urinary tract infections (which I've also had experience with), but I've never heard it for sinus infections. Interesting thought.

    2. I have only had a few sinus infections in my life and I was miserable. I hope you find answers.

  8. Just popped in via Joanne's Cup On the bus. Is it an infection or is it an allergic reaction to something? An infection twice a year for however long you've been having them shouldn't be happening. Is there any common environmental event that occurs when the sinus trouble begins? I have severe hayfever which results in sinus pain which causes my face to throb and feel like I've been hit by a truck from the inside, but have since discovered that I am allergic to many more things than originally thought and have asthma as well which brought on coughing fits. I now take antihistamines for the hayfever and have inhalers for the asthma.
    Perhaps you could consider allergy testing.

  9. Well now I've read the other comments and see you've had the allergy testing done already. but the mold allergy may be stronger than you think and an antihistamine might help there. Speak to your doctor. I agree with Joanne that the roto-rootering is worth doing, if only to give you a clean start with finding the cause.

  10. I have never had this surgery, so I can't give you a personal opinion about the experience. However, my mother did when I was a kid and she said it was the best decision she ever made. She used to suffer horribly from sinus infections/problems and the surgery put an end to it. I've only had one sinus infection in my life and that was enough!

  11. I'm so sorry to hear what you are going through and can truly empathize because I've been there before and surely will be again. I have had the sinus surgery -- twice. The surgery itself isn't bad. The three days after when they pack your nose with what seems like enough thread to make a sweater is unpleasant -- not really painful but you are mouth breathing for three days. (This has been a number of years ago so the technique may well have changed). Did it help? Yes. I still get sinus infections but usually not so bad as I did before or as often.

    I have chronic lung disease (bronchiectasis) and in the past have broken a rib coughing so I know how scary that must feel for you and the pain. The coughing gets me more than the sinuses these day but of course it all drips down and you know the rest.

    What has helped and what to do? Well, I don't know if you have what they call here urgent care or redi-care. If they do, go there. They should be able to give you antibiotics or if you are lucky steroids. When my coughing and/or sinuses are SO bad that nothing has helped for an extended period of time, they will give me a short stint of prednisone and that really knocks it out fairly quickly. Trouble is they don't seem to like to do that till the last resort.

    If that won't help, then you are on to homeopathic remedies. I'm big on peppermint oil on my forehead and temples and near the nose but be careful of getting it in your eyes. Also, cold packs seem to help the headache some.

    The other thing you might want to have checked out at your docs next month is either asthma or allergy testing or both. A lot of time the that and sinus seem to be very related (certainly was with me). And the coughing you mention has me worried. I always thought asthma was just wheezing and breathlessness but I learned fast that the coughing is a very big part of it. Inhalers/bronchodialators might be helpful -- possibly even with the sinus infection.

    And I'd definitely recommend the sinus surgery. It is more annoying than painful but only for a few days.

    1. Jeanie, thank you for all of your information. I'm so glad to hear from people who have had it done. The coughing and wheezing is something I am also familiar with as the post nasal drip is an issue. I am someone who reacts VERY BADLY to prednisone so I would never recommend it to anyone. It is a very bad drug in my opinion. I think I will be heading to "emerg." today to get a horse dose of antibiotics.

    2. Definitely a serious one. I wouldn't recommend it for anyone who didn't need it in a bad way. (Prednisone). I've never had the bad effects from it and it has always helped but when you read the info that comes with the script, it's pretty creepy. I call it my last resort, as does my doc!

      Sounds from your current posts you must be feeling much better. Three cheers! This isn't the time to be sick!
