Saturday 6 April 2019

Pushy Salespeople

Let me just ask, do I look like a criminal to you?

No, I don't. I look like a middle aged woman who cheated by using dry shampoo this morning and can't turn her head in a hurry because her neck hurts.

However, the salespeople at our local Shopper's Drug Mart seemed to think otherwise. I guess. I mean, that could be the most logical explanation as to why I got asked three times if I needed help with something in the cosmetics section and then noticed the same ladies surreptitiously finding something to shift or tidy up in the aisles that I was in. This is not a high end store where people get makeovers or require advice on how to use the latest beauty product. No, this is a place where there is a display of regular drug store makeup: Cover Girl, Revlon, Maybelline, etc.

I was moving slowly and checking out each display because I had run out of my favourite Clinique shade of eyeshadow and I was hoping to replicate the same colour in a lower priced product. Yes, oh my god, I reached into my purse... to get my reading glasses so I could read the tiny print on the bottle of yet another anti-frizz, smoothing hair somethingorother that I was looking at. No, I did not slip a rogue mascara in my purse when you weren't looking.

In fact, I have never stolen anything in my life, apart from a fat blue crayon from a box brimming with fat blue crayons in a school store room when I was around 8 years old, for which I felt horribly guilty and didn't end up ever colouring with because I was so consumed with self-loathing!

I'm so honest, I do not even sample a grape in the grocery store to see if they are sweet enough to purchase.

But back to the story at hand. I like to do my own thing. I rarely ask for help in a store unless it is a place that sells things with which I am not familiar, like automotive supplies. Trust me, by now I can pick out my own makeup. I don't want your advice. I don't want your suggestions. Just leave me alone and let me browse through the displays. In fact, I am more likely to purchase more things if I am left alone. If you bother me and ask me what I am looking for, repeatedly, I will likely leave the store quickly. No doubt, these salespeople have been encouraged to approach customers and be smiley and helpful. I am fine with that... once. But if I have told you  I'm fine, or just looking, believe me. The following around bit was insulting. I almost thought I should suggest they look in my purse to make sure I hadn't performed a little slight of hand. I admit that I was a bit short with my final, "Seriously, I'm fine."

I did choose a few items, made my way to the cash register, and upon leaving with my purchases, wouldn't you know it, I set the beeper off. Of course. When I turned back , bag held up, questioning look on my face, the cashier said I was fine and to just go through, but I'm certain the makeup spies were pointing fingers and proclaiming, "I knew it!!"

Ughhhh, it's going to be a while before I go in there again. Anyway, off I went to get groceries and my disappointment with humans was replaced with absolute glee upon finding these:

These are THE BEST paring knives on the face of the Earth (in my opinion). Tomatoes? Not a problem. Cutting out potato eyes? Perfect. Slicing meat? A breeze. These knives are small with a thin blade that is serrated and they are fabulous. Husband was trying to pry something with one and broke it, so I was down to two (yes, I had three of these at one point just in case one was dirty, or had been used to cut raw meat, and I was still cutting something else in food preparation). I like these better than Henckel paring knives and others that I've accumulated over the years. What about you? I'm sure anybody who cooks has a favourite knife that they reach for.


  1. I am with you. The more I am pestered in the name of, I guess, good customer service, the more I am inclined to leave a store.

    A good paring knife is a good find, indeed!

  2. Another person in that anti-bother que! The interruptions are soooooooooo annoying, and they don't get it. And if they are trying to out-commission each other, and I do have a purchase to make, I turn back to the first person who accosted me. Unless she was to most annoying.

  3. I really do not like being hassled when I'm trying to make decisions in a shop. I just want salespeople to be quiet and stand in the background until I summon then! I have two favourite knives, I have to hide them from Paul otherwise he tends to blunt them.

  4. And car sales folk are THE worst!!!

  5. to be greeted...yes, to let you know they are there to help...but not to be harassed..

  6. I cannot fathom why they would single you out. Very annoying. I like clinique products too - they're pricey but they work and without residues. Excellent shampoo I just discovered through another blog - hair is left silky, not dryed out - and it's not expensive! Suave Morrocan Oil Shampoo and conditioner. It comes in a gold bottle. Try it!

    1. Thanks for the recommendation! Not sure if we get that here, but I'll have a look.

  7. Better get one of these knives before they are all gone. Are you being paid to recommend them, Jill?

    1. No, I am not getting paid to endorse anything. (and I'm Jenn). I just really like that kind of knife.

  8. I am like you, please don't harass me, If I need help I will ask. I am a label reader and it takes me longer. My Dh often teases me about my purse being so large, he tells me, when I go in a store the store will for sure find someone to follow me, and like you I don't ever remember stealing anything.
    I found a great Cuisinart paring knife at Marshall's and I love it, plans are to get another, for some reason my knives seem to disappear. ~smile~
    Have a great weekend.

    1. I didn't steal anything! I don't know why the beeper went off. Some sort of tag that didn't get removed?

  9. I'll quote the old Irish pick-up line: "Your father was a thief! He stole the stars and put them in your eyes!" Well it's always worked for me.

  10. Like you, there's nothing I hate more than pushy salespeople!

  11. Yes, these paring knives are the absolute best. I have five. We use them as steak knives. In fact, I was only online recently looking to pick up a few more.

  12. Maybe it was the day the District Manager was visiting and they were trying to look busy. Or...secret shopper day where management sends someone in to secretly test the staff. You don't look like trouble, but you could pass for upper management... :-)

  13. What is the brand on those knives? Gee, I hardly ever get asked if I need help in a store. I do hate when the waitstaff in a restaurant asks every time they walk by how the meal is. Just once is fine, but they always ask when I have a full mouth of food!

    1. They are PC (President's Choice) brand which is a food company found in grocery stores here.

    2. Yes, it's a big brand here associated with Loblaws which is a huge conglomerate of grocery stores. It is supposed to refer to the president of that company and the choice of food/products he likes. Has nothing to do with politics.

  14. Out of the several knives gracing my kitchen I prefer my Jamie Oliver Chefs Knife and Paring Knife.
    How dare those salespeople display such an attitude.

  15. I laughed about your comments on pulling out glasses. When my friend from Denmark came out we kept getting lost in Vegas because we didn't think to take our reading glasses. We couldn't read the maps. I have been followed before in high school. My friends were Indians and the clerks were certain we were up to no good. Very frustrating. By the way, you look fabulous!

  16. Not a single shifty quality about you Jenn! If it's Shoppers I can relate, I have so many tales about strange encounters at their stores, I now avoid. Thanks for referral of knives ... Mary-Lou =^..^=

    1. Interesting. Maybe it's some sort of policy of that store? I was literally one foot into the store when she said, "hello." Watching the door like a hawk. I doubt they are on commission at a drug store.

    2. Have you noticed that you enter through the "beauty" department at every shoppers????

  17. I know what you mean. I like to look around and take my time too.

  18. Glad for the paring knife recommendation. You can't have too many paring knives -- they get dirty. Next time I'm in Canada, I'm getting some.

    Now, about that shopping experience -- awful. I hate that too. I take my time and about the only time I like to see a salesperson is when I can't find something or have a question and then you NEVER can find one! I can see why you'd be hitting another store then. (And by the way, it's fun to see your face, even with dry shampoo!)

    1. I took the picture in my vehicle after leaving the store and felt like an ars doing it. I know "young people" take selfies constantly, but it's not something I do very often!

  19. I cringed throughout this post because these things have happened to me, and surprisingly enough, one too many times in Shopper's Drug Mart. What is it about that place? Do they have a higher number of thefts than normal? I dunno. What I do know is that I could have written this post because I feel exactly the same way. I like to make my way slowly through a store and do not want to be pestered while I'm doing so. If that happens, it's likely I won't return for a long time, maybe never if it's a store that I don't really need.

    1. They must do training sessions about theft protection and making contact with all customers. My friend is a pharmacist for a different drug store (not Shoppers) and makeup theft is rampant.
      I feel that way about not going back to Shoppers, but you can use your PC points card there (do you know what I mean?) and the closest one to us besides this one is 45 minutes away! Ughhh

  20. I'm with you. hate the greeters at Walmart too. They are not there to greet you but to make sure you are not leaving with stolen goods. What does it say about a store which views its customers as potential thieves. I wouldn't go in there but we live in a rural community and don't have much choice. A larger shopping centre is a ferry ride away.

  21. Pushy sales people drive me crazy too. I bought one of those knives at NoFrills and LOVE it. Im going to pull all of the useless steak knives out of my knife block and fill the slots with these! My only problem is, just how does one dispose of knives???

  22. I dunno . . . you look pretty shifty to me. ;o} But it is true that shoplifting of make-up items is quite prevalent. Actually, if I understand correctly, shoplifting is more rampant than most of us know. (How sad.) I suppose employees have a bit of pressure put on them to be on the outlook for it. BUT wouldn't ya think that there's a profile of shoppers who regularly DO shoplift and the employees quickly learn who to really watch? Gotta agree totally with you that having a sales clerk hovering, even if intentions are good, makes me uncomfortable.

  23. Lucky you didn't have those knives with you at the drug store. If you set the beeper off and had to be searched, I would love to see those sales ladies faces when they eyed those knives in your purse! Have a great week, Jenn.

    1. I figured out later it was a little sticker on some eyeshadow that I bought that made the beeper go off. Ha, no knives in the purse!

  24. I absolutely detest pushy salespeople. Like you, I will walk out of a store and boycott it if the salespeople piss me off. What brand of knives are those? I would love to look them up! I have a great set of Shun knives my sweetie got me as a gift one year - they are amazing!

    1. They are President's Choice brand. You can also get them with a straight edge, but the serrated is much better (for tomatoes and such). I have no idea if you can get them in the States. They are sold in grocery stores that carry President's Choice brand, such as Loblaws or Independent.

  25. I'm like you...I brought a book home from 1st grade and never returned it...and felt sooo incredibly guilty that years later I considered returning it to the school with an apology letter! Yes, I found it years later and remembered. It's called The Magic Tree House.
    Anyway...I have a favorite knife, but it was given to me and I have no idea where to find another one. Grrr. It's so easy to handle and has a serrated blade and cuts tomatoes like no other!

  26. I had the same experience at Wal-Mart recently. I don't think I look like a criminal, but maybe they could read the murder on my mind. I had to pick up floor mats for my car and it's the only place I can get Heinz white vinegar in a large size. As I was exiting the store, the 'greeter' waylaid me and thoroughly checked my cart (containing two things - large car mats and a gallon of white vinegar) while eyeing me and my receipt. I may have to see if I can find those knives. I am in dire need of a good paring knife.

  27. Oh good, for a minute there, I thought you were going after those ladies who were stalking you in the cosmetics department! HA!
    I had an emery board that I wanted to buy when I 8 years old. I held it for the longest time, waiting for my Mom to buy clothes for my little brothers. Hey, I thought I will just put in my purse and get it out and pay for it when we leave. Of course, I forgot all about it. I got home and when I looked in my purse, my face just burned with the horror of me leaving without paying for it! I went back and put a dime on the lunch counter! So, maybe I will be forgiven?

  28. If the same thing happened to me in a store and the sales person made me feel uncomfortable, I would have felt the same annoyance...or maybe just left without any purchase. You had every right to vent...maybe next time to the store manager?
